
Emma James Physio Blog

Chartered Physiotherapy and Clinical Pilates


what is apos therapy

Knee Injury and risk of Osteoarthritis

A recent study published in the BMJ analysing the risk of developing knee osteoarthritis (OA) after knee trauma analysed over 1 million patients.

The risk of developing knee OA after ACL injury was 4 x higher compared to the non- injured knee or non- injured knee.

A meniscal (cartilage) injury and combined ACL/ meniscal injury as associated with 6x higher risk of developing OA.

Key messages:


apos therapy boots

If conventional physiotherapy alone is not being effective at reducing pain and improving function apos therapy is the next non- surgical option- customised and calibrated footwear to reduce pain and improve muscle control.

You can also book a free consultation, to see if Apos Therapy could work for you.


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Blog post by Lisa
Senior Physiotherapist

Emma James Physio


Ralf – My Apos Story

I have been an amateur runner throughout my life. However I hadn’t actually participated in races up to about 5 years ago. Approaching my 70th birthday also saw me running 10 km and even a semi-marathon in 2017.

In November 2017, training for my first dash of a full marathon I experienced terrible pain on my left knee. It did not come about suddenly but gradually grew over a few days. I stopped running since I was unable to make even a few hundred meters without feeling atrocious stabbings on my lower leg. Even walking became horribly difficult.
Not only my running life seems to have ended but daily chores involving my legs would preoccupy my thoughts for years to come.

The conclusion was evident: left knee arthritis. ‘’You have to alter your whole lifestyle. If you feel that this state affects only a quarter of your daily activity you are not ready for knee surgery. However a few more years of lowered energy and you definitely need one’’.

I was against surgery as I had heard of many cases of unsuccessful results. In May 2018, my sister, who is also a runner but definitely better than me, advised me to look into AposTherapy. She had witnessed the positive results in many of her friends who came back to run after years of forced inactivity.

The therapy started in May and went throughout the summer months, growing from 30 to 60 minutes a day. Some days when I did not find time to walk, I just put the computer on a high table and wrote standing.

In October my first baby runs took place: Only half kilometer or so. I was rejoiced by the fact that the pounding reduced although it came back after some distance. I continued every day with the therapy, even going out to the supermarket with my Apos shoes.
In November my weekly runs were up to 6 km although excruciatingly slow, taking me 1 hour when during that period previously I would have run a full 10 km.
My clearest objective for a nice start to the New Year was a Parkrun. These 5 km courses on Saturdays in parks all around Britain are great introductions for people of any age, who want to change their lifestyles by short runs.
I consistently delayed my first parkrun since even the slowest runner will finish in 45 minutes (9 minutes/km) and I was not sure the volunteers will wait for me, at about 50 – 55 minutes.

Therefore I was astounded when my first Parkrun was completed in 35 minutes. The 400 participants had probably created a magnetic field that just carried me to the end.
This was the most worthwhile gift for the New Year. I could run, respectfully. Of course there still was slight pain afterwards but the progress was evident.

It was nothing short of miraculous for me. I have to admit that Apos was not alone in this marvel. The open sea swims in summer and weekly strength exercises in my local gym were evidently helpful in reinforcing body and legs.

However first award goes to Apos. I am thoroughly happy and naturally reflect it on family and friends.

Blog post by Ralf
Apos Therapy customer


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