
Emma James Physio Blog

Chartered Physiotherapy and Clinical Pilates


emma james physio classes

Pilates in pregnancy

PREGNANT? Sleepless nights? Tense?

Why Pilates? How will Pilates help in pregnancy?. Here is the answer.


Pilates is a slow but effective form of exercise.

pregnancy-exerciseThere are many benefits to joining a class:

  1. Relaxation: Pilates exercise helps to reduce stress and relieves unwanted tension, aiding sleep
  2. Concentration: It allows you to put your day worries aside and concentrate on your baby
  3. Co-ordination: Utilising moves that coordinate different muscle groups, ensuring there is a functional focus on exercises allowing you to benefit not only in pregnancy and labour, but also beyond
  4. Posture: It improves posture and body alignment to relieve pain and aches
  5. Strengthening and stretching: Pilates helps in stretching tired achy muscles and strengthening muscles helps stabilise your pelvis during pregnancy
  6. Breathing: Breathlessness and shortness of breath is one of the most common problems in pregnancy. Pilates exercises improves efficiency of breathing and oxygen delivery to your baby, breathing techniques learned can help contribute to a smoother delivery
  7. Core-strength: strengthens muscles which create a solid protective base, to stabilise the spine and support your back

More Information:


No reason to delay. Join our friendly classes at Emma James Physio

Blog Post by Emma
MD, Owner & Senior Clinical Director
Emma James Physio

How to keep your brain young – Just keep moving!


I found this informative article by Celia Dodd about the cognitive benefits of exercise. Researchers at the University of Canberra in Australia found that regular aerobic exercise dramatically improved cognitive abilities such as thinking, reading, learning and reasoning.

Muscle strengthening, meanwhile, had a significant impact on memory and the brain’s ability to plan and organise.

All this is an excellent reason to re-think the exercise you do, with research showing that even those who have done little exercise before the age of 60 can see cognitive benefits almost immediately.

Increasing your walking speed to brisk, carrying the shopping home rather than getting the car out, and digging the garden can make a huge difference.  Consider signing up to a regular exercise class (strength and conditioning, spinning, pilates) to increase the motivation to complete regular exercise and enjoyment exercising in a group.

You can read the full article here:

Keen to try something new? check out details of all our Exercise Classes on our Website or you can ring Reception for more information.


Right… Im off to my Pilates Class! 🙂

Blog Post by Lisa
Senior Physiotherapist
Emma James Physio

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